Dreamer or Actioner?

Dreamer or ActionerI love dreamers. It’s good to dream. Actually, it’s great to dream. It proves that you are thinking bigger plans, trying to improve you lot in life, attempting to change something for good. It shows that you care. It shows that you’re human. It shows that you bleed.

But I love “actioners” more. What’s an “actioner”? An actioner is someone who takes their dreams, creates a plan, and follows through on that plan. They pluck their dreams out of the clouds and walk them onto the streets. They take concrete steps to see their dreams through. In other words, they do something about it.

Actioners are those who will be “successful” in life. I will leave you to define “successful.” Those who dream, but do nothing about it, will continue to live a life of mediocrity. They might have an uneasy feeling deep down inside, but really, they are satisfied with a life of “Average”. Unconsciously, they are exactly who and what they want to be.

For those who are Better than Average, those who stand out from the crowd, those who want to leave this world a little bit better then when they arrived, this uneasy feeling gnaws at them. It tears them up when they can’t work on their dream. It pains them when they are forced to do something else. It’s like their internal Chesapeake Bay Retriever, itching to go outside for a run.

The Law of Attraction can only take you so far. The mindset is right, but it misses one critical piece – action. Wishing/hoping/wanting is a good start. But the next step is critical. Take that step. Success attracts success. Become an actioner.

I leave you with a simple question: How did you work on your dream today?

(image courtesy of friend Charmaine Hammond of TheOriginalTeamToby.com)


Todd Brockdorf
Better than Average Guy
Author, Speaker, Consultant
[email protected]
Download Better than Average: Excelling in a Mediocre World

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Todd, great blog! Thanks for using a photo of our new puppy in your blog! Keep writing these inspiring posts!
Charmaine Hammond

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