3 Powerful Questions to Stand Out from the Crowd

questionTo learn continuously, ask questions constantly. This is the very cornerstone of learning.  Many people already ask a lot of questions; some to the point of annoyance. However, those who stand out from the crowd ask a better quality of questions.

In today’s answer-oriented society, we have a dearth of good questions. We want information now, in digestible, low-calorie, high-fiber chunks. If the answer cannot be found on the first page of Google results, then it doesn’t exist or isn’t worth asking.

But it’s ok. It’s not your fault. Society teaches us to be Average and average people ask average questions. Average people ask “what?” or “when?” The socially inclined ask “who” (as in, “Who will see me there?”).

The Better than Average, those who stand out from the crowd, ask a different type of question. Their questions begin with “how?” or “why?” They probe for a deeper understanding of the issue. They want a greater context to provide better meaning. They want answers that aren’t readily found on the Internet. And sometimes, the answers they seek are high in fat, but a good fat, like Omega-3 found in salmon.

3 Most Powerful Questions

The Better than Average use the following 3 most powerful questions to get to the root of the issue:

  1. Why?
  2. So what?
  3. Who cares?

Once you can answer those questions, you will have a deeper understanding of your subject.


Todd Brockdorf
Better than Average Guy
Author, Speaker, Consultant
[email protected]
Download Better than Average: Excelling in a Mediocre World

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Sense of AccomplishmentSometimes we just need a win. It doesn’t need to be a large win. It just needs to be a win. As human beings we need to feel a sense of accomplishment. Something, ANYTHING, needs to get done. Done today. It’s that feeling of victory as we put the pen to paper and cross off one item on the To Do list.

It could be something like walking around the block for exercise. It could be paying that bill that’s been lingering. It could be cleaning the desk to prove that all of the clutter really does sit on something solid rather than magically levitates in the air.

Or, accomplishment may come from something bigger. It could be to push “Send” on that email that could change your path in life. It could be to publish that blog post that is wasting away in your computer. It could be to display your art publicly, instead of stashing it in the closet behind the winter coat that you haven’t used for years since you moved to Southern California.

We need to feel productive in some way. It’s why we work. Even if you work your job just to get a paycheck, it’s that paycheck that allows you to do your more preferred activities, like skiing, or camping, or crocheting sweaters for orphan puppies. In the end, you feel productive – you did your preferred activity. Even if you are loaded with money and don’t need to work, you still want to feel productive in some way (or so I’m told. No personal experience here.).

Go ahead. Get your victory on. Do something that’s been lingering. A weight will be lifted off your shoulders.

Do it. Do it today. Do it now.


Todd Brockdorf
Better than Average Guy
Author, Speaker, Consultant
[email protected]
Download Better than Average: Excelling in a Mediocre World

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Be Specific in What You Want

The oldest rule in self-help literature is that “you must write down goals to achieve success.” If that idea is that old, as in as old as “the sun rises in the east and sets in the west”, why then, do we continue to read about it?

Because it works.

And, only better than average people do it.

Many people have goals. But they are not written. Unwritten goals are hopes.

Few people write down their goals. But they are vague. Unclear goals are wishes.

Rare is it to find one who writes down specific goals with an action roadmap. Those who do, have the best chance at achievement.

Be laser exact specific in what you want. Clarity breeds success.

While consulting, I find the biggest challenge of clients is their lack of clarity. They have an idea of what they hope to achieve, but it is vague. When you help someone achieve clarity, you help them reach a state of nirvana.

The world is your buffet. Be clear and take what you specifically want.

(image courtesy of Christian Gidlöf on WikiMedia)


Todd Brockdorf
Better than Average Guy
Author, Speaker, Consultant
[email protected]
Download Better than Average: Excelling in a Mediocre World

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Who to Fire

fireFired, laid off, reduction in force, rightsizing whatever you call it. The basic idea is removing someone from their employment.

When the determination is made that its time “let go” of certain people, how do you decide whom to remove?

Selecting the wrong person could leave your company mired in mediocrity.

Be blind. Be blind to color, to age, to gender, to ability, to family situations, to what you pay them.

Select on performance. Look at the numbers. But not just the tangible numbers. Dig deeper. Look at the intangible numbers. What are intangible numbers?

In sales, don’t just look at the number and size of deals closed. Look at the number of doors opened. Look at the number of relationships built. Look at the number of positive qualities to his or her personal brand.

In engineering, don’t just look at the number completed projects. Look at the number of lines of code. Look at the defect rate. Look at numbers resulting from innovative ideas. Look at the quantity of leaders saying she has the ability to translate business needs to solutions.

In accounting, don’t just look at accuracy. Look at numbers of years of experience. Look at measurements of integrity. Look at the number of times the complex was made simple to understand.

It’s never easy to pink slip someone. But when you do, select on performance.

(image courtesy of Chuck Grimmett on Flickr)


Todd Brockdorf
Better than Average Guy
Author, Speaker, Consultant
[email protected]
Download Better than Average: Excelling in a Mediocre World

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Turning Fear into Abundance

Turn Fear to AbundanceWe are scared. Scared that we won’t have a job. Scared that we won’t sell a product. Scared that we won’t make payroll.

We play in fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of loss. Fear of spiders.

The opposite of fear is abundance.

Somewhere will hire. Someone will buy. There is enough.

Change from a fear mindset to an abundance position to increase your chances of success.

What you verbalize comes true. If you think fearfully, speak abundantly.  Turn the fear into faith. Faith that you will succeed. Faith that your ideas will be heard. Faith that you will stand out from the crowd.

Look around. We live in the age of abundance. Access to the world’s information is in our pocket. We have more food than ever before. More people live in freedom. And it’s only getting better.

Find another customer to buy your goods. Take that lower paying job to make ends meet. Start the idea you’ve been putting off. Do what you need to do to persevere.

Someone somewhere needs your talents, services, or products. Go find them.

(image courtesy of Andy Potter on geograph)


Todd Brockdorf
Better than Average Guy
Author, Speaker, Consultant
[email protected]
Download Better than Average: Excelling in a Mediocre World

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